Smart School Online Course 3.0


Online Course addon adds Online Course module in Smart School . Using this module teacher/staff can create online free or paid online course with their study material based on video, audio or in document content format. These online courses can be purchase and access by anyone like school students or guest users for online study anytime anywhere.

Key Features –

  • Add online course from admin panel and assign to any teacher
  • Teacher can also create online course for class-section
  • Online course is divided in to Sections, Lessons and Quiz
  • Online course can be created as free or paid
  • Paid online course can be purchase online by school students or guest users
  • Paid course can be purchase offline from school
  • Free course can be directly accessible to students or guest users
  • Students or guest users can study online course and participate in quiz for self evaluation
  • Students or guest users can see their performance report and charts for self assessments
  • Admin can check 4 types of reports based on sales, trend and student performance
  • Course material like video and other files securely upload on Amazon AWS S3 Bucket
  • Online Course addon supports Smart School android app

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