Laravel – Advanced Files & Users Management is Laravel – PHP based web application that allows you to set up your file management system as your personal file cloud and it also helps to set up your user management system.
This web application helps users to upload and manage their files from the dashboard as your file manager. User can share their files with other privately (password protected) or publicly. Users can download and view files. The admin user can set a restriction on the user like in which folder the user can upload files with allowing extension only and maximum file size. every user action perform on application goes into database logs and the admin user views these logs entry of users.
It allows administrators to manage users. The admin user creates user & role and set permissions to user wise and role wise, what the user can do and see in the application. Some of the including features are roles and permissions, password resets, active/inactive users and deleting users, manage file extension and folder. With this, you can easily build your user management system and manage access for your users.
- Easy installation wizard
- Attractive modern & responsive interface
- Theme Colors
- Advanced user role & permission
- In-Build translator editor
- Drag & Drop files uploader
- Move files one folder to another folder
- Download multiple files zip and download folder zip
- Share folder and inside files with another user
- Files preview
- Public and private files sharing
- Manage folder & sub-folder with tree view
- Manage file extensions
- Activity log & statistics
- SEO optimized
- Social Login with Facebook and Google
- Enable/disable user registration
- File manager panel
- Filter Files By Folder
- Add a description to file
- Advertisement Block
- Captcha
- And More…
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