Crazy Monkey Buildbox Classic for Android or IOS 2023


Crazy adventure with lots of levels and features. 12 Worlds with 3 or 5 different levels each!

The game has 4 different modes to play: – Campaign – Double Jump – Coin Dash – Long Runs

You can maximize your revenue with banners, intertistials and reward intertistials (Google Ads). You can also set Adbox in Buildbox to maximize your profits using other monetisation SDKs.

In Campaign the game comes with 12 different worlds with different levels each.

The game is fantastic and it is very easy to reskin. Just rename the bbdoc to zip and uncompress this file. You have all the assets in there (images, sounds, music,…) ready to be reskinned.

This game is compatible (fully) with the new Buildbox Classic edition.

With Realistic weathers, perfect graphics and addictive gameplay, this game looks like you are playing it in Next Generation consoles despite it is a 2D game!

You will love play this game on your mobile device.