Kyle Pro – Premium Random Video & Dating and Matching (PHP & MySql)


Kyle Pro – Premium Random Video & Dating and Matching (PHP & MySql)


  • Current Active Users :
    Real time counter shows you how many users are active in your app
  • Advanced Statistics Viewer :
    Reactions & Devices model & Gender and Messages
  • Set support email :
    You can change support email and will be updated in all users’s devices
  • Modify interactive texts :
    modify “About us” and “privacy policy” and “terms”
  • Send notifications :
    send notify to one or all users through the admin panel
  • View Reports :
    where you can show all users’s reports and ignore or suspend the account
  • Distance Notification :
    App will send you notification if you closer than 2 meters from positive case , If you ignored the notification and get closer, you will be considered as positive
  • Users Viewer :
    modify gems and control memebersips like vip and match plus

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